
Difference Between kWh (Active Energy) and kVAh (Reactive Energy) Billing

Lets discuss about what is the difference between active, reactive and apparent power? Also, do you know the difference between kWh and kVAh billing? and how it affects your wallet? Components of Electrical Power: Electrical Power has two component active and reactive power. kVA is vector sum of reactive power (kVAR) and active power (kW).    How presently electricity bill charged? Energy meter read based on active power (kWh). Customer bill includes energy consumption charges, fixed charges and other charges.  Click Here for how electricity bills calculated in per unit. Active power is used for heat, light and motion.  Reactive power (kVAR) drawn from grid to customers if customer use inductive equipment. Also, reactive power drawn by grid if customer use excessive capacitive load.  Also, reactive power are used for electromagnetic field generation.  Effect of reactive power considered by Power Factor. Power factor is the ratio of active to apparent power.  Penalty levied on consumer

Reduce Electricity Bill without Buying Energy Efficient Appliances

Due to the corona outbreak presently the  majority  of the population are facing financial crises situation in the whole world. One thing has remained the same in this condition i.e our bills to pay every month.  The purpose of this content is to reduce your  Unit Electric Energy consumption  no major investment initially and long term profit. It will reduce electricity bills by at least 25-40%.    What is Per Unit Electric Energy Consumption? It is energy consumption for operating electrical appliances and technology. Per Unit Electric Energy Consumption is in kilo-Watt-hours (kWh). In kilo-Watt-hours (kWh), actual electric energy consumption per month  mentioned in the electricity bill.  Derived as, Unit Electricity Consumption  (kWh) = (Watt X Hours)/1000  As per the above unit electric energy consumption depended on the two-parameter.   1. Power of the appliances ( in Watt)  2. Operation of appliances per day ( in Hours)    Different Methods to Reduce Electric Energy Consumption Co

Infrared Thermal Camera for Checking Body Temperature in Crowd

As per the current phase of Covid-19  checking temperature at every point in the entrance of the premises had become essential. It has become essential to keep a person to perform this job and if there is a crowd it becomes difficult to do one-by-one. Hereby, I am going to discuss how infrared thermal cameras can be suitable for the application in such a situation. What is an Infrared Thermal Camera? Thermal Cameras are used to measure the temperature of the object. It is a non-contact temperature measuring instrument. It measures temperature by measuring infrared radiation emitted by the object.  Functions in Infrared Thermal Camera will be most suitable for body temperature measurement in a crowded place ( Office/ Malls/ Shops): 1. Min/Max/Avg Point:      You can take several points/cursor to check the body temperature of the person. The minimum temperature and the maximum temperature are very essential. You no need to hold and check like a non-contact thermometer. It is very difficu

How to Check Maximum Electricity Consuming Appliances or Technology at Home.

We use multiple appliances and technology at home for comfort and ease of life. All of them are not used for maximum hours. There are selective appliances used and they cost us to pay more electricity bills. Even we are not aware of where we are using more electricity and increasing monthly bills and reducing our savings. To simplify this I had made a calculation and steps to follow to know where we consume more electricity.  Electricity what we consume  is measured in kWh which is called per unit electricity  consumption mentioned in our electricity bills.                                                        Step 1- Calculate Average Per Unit Electricity Consumption. Take electricity bills for the last 3 months or if possible the last 6 months. Take an average of per unit electricity consumption of those months.  Average unit consumed per month = (Month 1+ Month 2 +.....+ Month n)/ Number of months (n) Step 2 - Calculate electricity consumed by household appliances We are consider

Why Save Electricity?

Nowadays,  frequently we hear people talking about " Save Electricity". What is your first thought? generally, people get thought of saving electricity bills. It is true but there are more advantages, some are long term, some are environmental and some are like the icing on the cake. That's what we are going to discuss further. 5 Reason to Step Toward Save Electricity:- 1. Energy-efficient technologies are better  Energy-efficient technology are designed to utilize minimum energy to perform desired tasks. Present technology like a fan with BLDC motor, LED lamps, Star rated energy-efficient appliances, etc are more promoted. Bureau of Energy Efficiency has given the star rating as per the reduction in energy consumption. For example, previously we were more exposed to Incandescent, Halogen, HID lamps with the upgrade and development of technology industries got exposed to LED and CFL lamp technology. Exposure to CFL and LED has made a great change in the per