Why Save Electricity?

Nowadays,  frequently we hear people talking about " Save Electricity". What is your first thought? generally, people get thought of saving electricity bills. It is true but there are more advantages, some are long term, some are environmental and some are like the icing on the cake. That's what we are going to discuss further.

5 Reason to Step Toward Save Electricity:-

1. Energy-efficient technologies are better 
BEE Energy EfficientEnergy-efficient technology are designed to utilize minimum energy to perform desired tasks. Present technology like a fan with BLDC motor, LED lamps, Star rated energy-efficient appliances, etc are more promoted. Bureau of Energy Efficiency has given the star rating as per the reduction in energy consumption.

For example, previously we were more exposed to Incandescent, Halogen, HID lamps with the upgrade and development of technology industries got exposed to LED and CFL lamp technology. Exposure to CFL and LED has made a great change in the perspective of people towards energy saving, convenience, aesthetic requirements, and others. Similarly, other household appliances have got evolve which will not only fulfill your primary requirement but also save energy with more flexibility. Rather than swiching "OFF" light and fan to reduce electricity bills.

2. High initial cost but long term saving benefits 

When new technologies are introduced in the market with higher environmental benefits, more operating flexibility and reduced energy consumption are of higher cost.

In the year 2009, LED lamps were introduced in India while comparing it with cost in the present year (i.e 2020) now it is around 80-90% cheaper. Due to the promotion of led lamps by the Ministry. of Power and well-known lighting companies like Philips, syska, etc demand and competition for LED lamp increased and more variance with lower cost manufactured . Led lamps are with lamplife 5-10 times more than the conventional lamps with negligible maintenance cost. Even if we consider other appliances like BLDC fan or star rated energy-efficient appliances are of higher initial cost but it is with higher operating lifespan, low maintenance requirement, and low energy consumption ( low electricity bills) better choice for long term. 

3.Reduce carbon emission 

Co2 emitted by the thermal power plant is 0.8 - 1kg/kWh approx. Whereas, the power consumed by household appliances per month in India is 80-300 unit (kWh) approx. Reducing energy consumption by replacing existing technology with efficient technology can reduce carbon emission.

CO2  Emission

4.Reduce consumption of coal and fuel.

About 65-71% of electricity consumed in India is generated by the thermal power plant. Coal is the primary component in a thermal power plant required to transfer at the remote generating sites like Vindhyachal thermal power plant in Madhya Pradesh, Mundra Thermal power plant in Gujarat, Tiroda thermal power plant in Maharashtra, etc. Fuels are consumed to transport coal to the remote thermal power plant and also transport waste from thermal plants to landfills. Fuel and Coal cost keep changing it is added with the unit charge as variable cost in electricity bill.

5.Initiation toward renewable resource

With the increase of dependence of the modern world more on electricity for comfort and ease of life it is more economical and environmental friendly to rely on renewable resources for electricity generation from solar, wind, biofuels, biomass, ocean, hydropower, geothermal resources. Subsidy for the solar plant is provided by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, which is emphasizing more people to participate.

Hope the information was helpful !
In the next blog, we will discuss " Ways to reduce electricity bills by opting some very simple Methods"

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