Reduce Electricity Bill without Buying Energy Efficient Appliances

Due to the corona outbreak presently the majority of the population are facing financial crises situation in the whole world. One thing has remained the same in this condition i.e our bills to pay every month. 

The purpose of this content is to reduce your  Unit Electric Energy consumption no major investment initially and long term profit. It will reduce electricity bills by at least 25-40%.  

What is Per Unit Electric Energy Consumption?

It is energy consumption for operating electrical appliances and technology. Per Unit Electric Energy Consumption is in kilo-Watt-hours (kWh). In kilo-Watt-hours (kWh), actual electric energy consumption per month  mentioned in the electricity bill. 
Derived as, Unit Electricity Consumption  (kWh) = (Watt X Hours)/1000 

As per the above unit electric energy consumption depended on the two-parameter. 
 1. Power of the appliances ( in Watt)
 2. Operation of appliances per day ( in Hours) 

  Different Methods to Reduce Electric Energy Consumption Cost efficient Method are as follow: 

1. Light/Lamp 

Replace the CFL bulb and Fluorescent tube with 1/6th wattage of LED. If you are using an Incandescent lamp in interior replace it with 1/10th Wattage of LED. It will save almost 60-70% of the lighting load directly without any major investment. 

 Existing  Incandescent  CFL lamp   Fluorescent Tube  
 Replace with LED   1/10th wattage of Incandescent   1/6th Wattage of CFL lamp 1/4th Wattage of fluorescent  

LED Bulbs - Bulbs & Battens - Consumer - Led Lighting

LED is cheaper and provides better lux level in the interior area compared to the conventional lamp with lower wattage. For calculating existing light/lamp energy consumption Click here

2. Fan 

Replace the existing standard fan with the BLDC fan. BLDC fan consumes 65% less power compared to the standard fan. Invested amount on BLDC fan can be recovered within 2 months with the reduction of electricity bills.
For calculating existing fan energy consumption Click here

3. Use Air conditioner in an enclosed room

It is essential in summer to keep our A.C ON for a whole day. But due to these electricity bills cost a lot to us. Rather than installing A.C in an open place and place with more windows, it is better to install in Bedrooms and enclosed room. When we install A.C in the open room due to heating from outside A.C take more consumption 

Install AC in an enclosed room with a closed window. For your current electricity consumption by refrigerator refer  Click here

4. Refrigerator 

The refrigerator is mostly used for 24X7 in Home.  It consumes 30-50% per month of total energy consumption. If customer want to move forward for buying energy star appliances it will reduce consumption. But, if the plan is to reduce the energy consumption of the existing refrigerator it is better to stop opening the refrigerator frequently and "OFF" the refrigerator for 2-3 hours a day. 2-3 hours of the non-operating refrigerator will not damage food kept and it will reduce energy consumption 5-12% per month. 
For calculating the existing energy consumption of the refrigerator Click here

 You can save a 25-40% electricity bill per year after your home audit. We are open to your Home Audit at a minimal cost. You just need to send on  with the current appliances in use and electricity bills you have to pay per month or comment your email ID. We will get in touch with you!

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Thank you for reading!!!




  1. I think your idea for replacing normal Fans with BLDC Fans is quite interesting, but problem the speed control for BLDC fans is very sophisticated, and for a normal house hold to afford such sophisticated gadgets get quite out of budget. Kudos on the blog!!!! Keep it up!!!

    1. BLDC fan cost 3000 rs 65% of energy cost it is indirectly a good investment.


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