
Showing posts from May, 2020

Why Save Electricity?

Nowadays,  frequently we hear people talking about " Save Electricity". What is your first thought? generally, people get thought of saving electricity bills. It is true but there are more advantages, some are long term, some are environmental and some are like the icing on the cake. That's what we are going to discuss further. 5 Reason to Step Toward Save Electricity:- 1. Energy-efficient technologies are better  Energy-efficient technology are designed to utilize minimum energy to perform desired tasks. Present technology like a fan with BLDC motor, LED lamps, Star rated energy-efficient appliances, etc are more promoted. Bureau of Energy Efficiency has given the star rating as per the reduction in energy consumption. For example, previously we were more exposed to Incandescent, Halogen, HID lamps with the upgrade and development of technology industries got exposed to LED and CFL lamp technology. Exposure to CFL and LED has made a great change in the per